How I improved my English skills at Skyeng before traveling to the Caribbean

How I improved my English skills at Skyeng before traveling to the Caribbean

Learning English has always been high on my agenda, especially before my upcoming trip to the Caribbean. Being able to learn English online around my schedule and priorities gave me the flexibility I was looking for. Skyeng's professional teachers not only imparted knowledge to me, but also inspired me to strive for language excellence. Their personalized approach and carefully designed materials made learning fun rather than just a task.

Advantages of studying at Skyeng

+ The biggest advantage Skyeng is a flexible class schedule. The ability to choose the time of classes, as well as the level of difficulty, compatibility with my daily activities is really a huge plus.
+ I was able to study at a time convenient for me, which was especially important in the context of work and other obligations.

+ The quality of teaching is at a high level. Many of the teachers at Skyeng were professional and their approach was interesting and practical. Thanks to them, my English skills have improved significantly, and I have become more confident in communicating in English.

Disadvantages of studying at Skyeng

– Unfortunately, not everything was rosy. Some teachers had an accent that was not always clear, which could cause some difficulties at the beginning of teaching. However, over time, through experience and practice, I have learned to better adapt to different pronunciations.

– Also, some blots and inaccuracies in the training materials could create confusion. But I noticed that the Skyeng support team was always ready to help and promptly respond to my requests.

Confused personal account

– Another small drawback was the sometimes confusing personal account. Despite the many useful features, the interface could be more intuitive.


This experience of studying at Skyeng online school was a real catalyst for my language growth. Despite the small difficulties that I overcame, each lesson brought new knowledge and confidence in English. I appreciate the flexibility and ability to study at my own pace. Thanks to Skyeng, I not only prepared for the trip to Caribbean, but also expanded the horizons of my education, and now English has become an integral part of my life, for which I am eternally grateful.