

Only thirty-eight square kilometers, but so much energy and positivity! And even if this Caribbean island is not distinguished by its vastness, visiting it means taking one of the most wonderful trips. Today, Cayman Brac is gaining momentum in popularity among those dreaming of overseas voyages, generous hospitality, and cloudless leisure, because absolutely everything in the flourishing land favors excellent relaxation.

Cayman-Marriage on the map

Cayman Brac Island on the world map or a detailed map of the island can be viewed using the navigation buttons (+/-).
Caribbean on the map
Cayman Brac is one of the Caribbean possessions owned by Great Britain. It is separated from the main island of the Cayman Triad, Grand Cayman, by 143 km. Geographically, the baby is much more compact than its brothers - 19 km long, no more than 2 km wide, the total area of ​​the sunny paradise is 38 km². But the miniature geographical area can boast the highest point of all Cayman Islands – the limestone Bluff ridge, stretching along the island, reaches 42 m in height.

Cayman Brac Island

The winding coastline of Cayman Brac is washed by the Caribbean Sea. The number of local residents does not exceed one and a half thousand people.

Holidays in Cayman Brac

It is unlikely that Columbus, who discovered this island at the beginning of the 16th century, believed that Cayman Brac would turn into a real Mecca for vacationers in a few centuries. Wanderers are attracted by a secluded holiday in an ecologically clean area, a clear sea, and wonderful nature. The taste of “primitiveness”, artificially created for visitors, adds exoticism to everyday life and allows you to relax as much as possible.

Holidays in Cayman Brac

It’s not for nothing that Cayman Brac is credited with excellent snorkeling; the underwater landscapes are truly magnificent. Diving, according to experts, off the coast of the island is considered one of the safest. An ordinary yacht trip can easily turn into a theatrical corsair adventure thanks to the efforts of the schooner owner.

Diving in Cayman Brac

There are also those who come specifically for wellness: spa treatments, rejuvenating manipulations, and original massage are rated very highly. Even people who are not passionate about fishing, after a successful fishery, rush to take unique photographs of the catch. But the special relish is to feast on the seafood that you have caught with your own hands, which is immediately prepared by brutal local specialists. The cuisine here is like art, where the main emphasis is on seafood and spices. Only in Cayman Brac can you try lobster with an unusual side dish of coconut or a delicacy of mussels with aromatic rice and herbs.

Nature Cayman-Marriage

Rocks alternate with compact beaches, each of which is unique. From the standpoint of zoology and botany, the natural wealth is modest, but guests of the island get the impression of emerald splendor. This is facilitated by dense mango groves, thickets of fancy shrubs and cacti, and lush orchid blooms. In addition to the “native” fauna, there are also specimens uncharacteristic of the area, since over the centuries subtropical crops that have taken root here have been brought to Cayman Brac: bougainvillea, pine, citrus trees.

Nature Cayman-Marriage

The almost complete absence of large animals is more than compensated by the variety of birds: ducks, flamingos, falcons, red-footed blackbirds, buntings, swallows. Herons come in incredible colors: from green and snow-white to tricolor. Only on Cayman Brac there are rare parrots with the complex scientific name Amazona leucocephala hesterna. Blue iguanas are another representative of the animal world, the number of which is negligible. There are about ten species of reptiles on the island; the most abundant of mammals are the fertile agouti rabbits.

Cayman Brac landmarks

Those planning to visit Cayman Brac should know, so as not to be disappointed, that there are no fashionable vernissages, ancient monuments, or famous theaters on the island. People come here to find themselves through nature - it is the main masterpiece, all the attractions are connected with it. And the main ones are the mysterious caves. New speleologists explore the natural alcoves of Rebecca Cave, Peter Cave, Great Cave, Rock Cave, listen to intriguing and romantic legends about countless treasures and the existence of pirates.

Cayman Brac landmarks

Tourists who have an understanding of diving and are not without an adventurous streak conquer the depths of the Caribbean sea in order to personally see a Russian destroyer sunk in the 90s of the 20th century, a Cuban ship that found eternal rest, and the remains of a couple of other ships that were wrecked off the coast.

The eco-promenade through the Parrot National Park is guaranteed to leave bright memories: routes through the picturesque places of the reserve, enjoying the views, and the opportunity to capture yourself in a tropical paradise with a camera will appeal to absolutely everyone. In the Stake Bay area, it is worth stopping by the cozy Cayman Brac Museum to get acquainted with the collection of shipbuilding equipment, original kitchen belongings, and colorful interior items.

When is the best time to go to Cayman Brac

Temperatures undergo significant fluctuations throughout the year - from 15˚ to 32˚. The season of short-term but frequent showers occurs from May to November, plus there is a high probability of hurricanes. Therefore, it is advisable to plan a voyage to Cayman Brac in December-April.

better go to Cayman Brac

Merging with nature... Only when you find yourself in Cayman Brac do you understand the depth of the established expression. After all, the Caribbean is valuable not only for its glamorous and sparkling shows, but also for its mesmerizing natural beauty, the healing elements of the sea, and a climate favorable for a great relaxation holiday.